One of the things I'm most grateful about this project was that I was cast just as A PERSON. It wasn't an Asian character who does Asian things... she was just a girl, with normal girl problems, living a normal girl life... and I was fortunate to get the opportunity to play that. It's nice to just play "a person." 

I really enjoyed my character Rachel Strauss, who happened to be Jewish, so they said I was adopted. She was flawed in such a real way and I was really able to relate to the struggles she was going through. As a millennial trying to find herself while also trying to "make" herself. She was successful and had everything she wanted in life but still didn't feel fulfilled. On the outside she looked like she had everything together, but on the inside she was a mess.

Experimenting with threesomes, and multiple Tinder dates, this girl was quite a handful. ;)

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